Saw Ani with a special glove....
(too old to reply)
2005-11-12 04:29:49 UTC
Hey everyone! I saw Ani playing the other night and she had a special glove that she used to play with . It came up over her forearm and had inserts at the end of each of her fingers that imitated fingernails. Since I play using my first fingernail as a pick, I was curious as to where she got a hold of that item. Does anyone have some clues?
Thanks in advance;
2005-11-12 20:58:44 UTC
I'm not too sure, It could be specially made. Maybe do some searches
on tendonitis or something like that, as thats what she had and why she
took a break? Overstrain on the tendons causing inflamation.

I'm just glad to hear she's back and playing again. Thats great,
now i can look forward to her coming out to Australia again in
the future. :) Or at least another DVD would be nice (hint to any
RBR representatiev that might be lurking).

[Boom Shanka]

"RT" <***@worldnet.att.net> wrote in message news:1dedf.83839$***@bgtnsc04-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
Hey everyone! I saw Ani playing the other night and she had a special glove
that she used to play with . It came up over her forearm and had inserts at
the end of each of her fingers that imitated fingernails. Since I play using
my first fingernail as a pick, I was curious as to where she got a hold of
that item. Does anyone have some clues?
Thanks in advance;
